Automated, Global Data Capture for Researchers

CERES TAG's direct to satellite, automated data collection facilitates tracking and monitoring of livestock and wildlife regardless of location, delivering powerful insights for several research domains.

Without any infrastructure requirements, CERES TAG offers a suite of benefits to researchers that conduct impactful studies via a simple data pipeline.

Agricultural Innovation

  • Enhanced Livestock Management

    CERES TAG enables researchers to monitor animal health, behaviour, and movement remotely without the need for additional infrastructure, optimising breeding, feeding, and disease management practices. This leads to increased productivity and sustainability in livestock operations.

  • Sustainable Farming Practices

    By providing data that can help to ascertain livestock's environmental impact, CERES TAG assists researchers to develop strategies to reduce carbon footprints and improve land use, aligning agricultural practices with sustainability goals.

Climate Science Insights

  • Ecosystem Monitoring

    CERES TAG offers invaluable data on animal migration and habitat changes, aiding climate scientists in understanding how global warming affects biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics.

  • Climate Adaptation Strategies

    The technology supports the development of adaptive management practices for agriculture and wildlife conservation, which can help to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

Boosting Food Production

  • Feed Efficiency and Crop Management

    CERES TAG's detailed animal data assists in optimising feed efficiency and grazing patterns, which can lead to more effective use of agricultural lands for food production.

  • Food Security Solutions

    By improving livestock health and productivity, CERES TAG contributes to enhanced food security, ensuring a stable supply of animal protein to meet growing global demands.

Conservation Efforts

  • Wildlife Conservation

    CERES TAG aids in the tracking of endangered species, providing critical data for conservation strategies that protect biodiversity and prevent extinction.

  • Habitat Restoration

    Researchers can use CERES TAG data to monitor the success of habitat restoration efforts, ensuring that conservation projects are effective and sustainable.