Improving Animal Health with Data

Staying ahead of disease outbreaks, monitoring health trends, and ensuring the well-being of both livestock and wildlife are paramount. CERES TAG offers a solution that equips ranchers, producers, veterinarians, researchers, and animal health professionals with real-time data and insights.

Automated Data Collection

CERES TAG can monitor individual animals' and herds' movements and behaviour remotely, globally, and without the need for any additional infrastructure.

  • Early Disease Detection

    CERES TAG allows for continuous monitoring of animal movements and behaviours that can be indicative of health issues, enabling early detection of diseases. This timely intervention can significantly reduce the spread of infectious diseases, improve recovery rates, and ultimately reduce production losses and improve profitability.

  • Enhanced Welfare Monitoring

    By providing detailed information on each animal's activity and well-being, CERES TAG helps in identifying welfare concerns. This data-driven approach ensures that animals are kept in optimal conditions, promoting better health outcomes.

  • Epidemiological Research

    For researchers in the animal health sector, CERES TAG offers myriad data points essential for epidemiological studies. Understanding disease transmission patterns and health trends across populations becomes more feasible, contributing to the development of more effective disease control measures.

  • Collaborative Health Management

    CERES TAG facilitates seamless data sharing among veterinarians, researchers, and animal health authorities. This collaboration is key to coordinated health management efforts, especially in controlling outbreaks and implementing public health interventions.

  • Regulatory Compliance and Traceability

    For those involved in the broader biosecurity aspects of animal health, CERES TAG provides an efficient means of ensuring that animals are managed according to health and welfare protocols. The technology supports traceability from farm to fork, crucial for food security and quality assurance.

Better Health Outcomes.

CERES TAG shifts how animal health is monitored and managed, offering unique benefits to professionals across the sector – from enhancing disease surveillance to supporting welfare initiatives. As we move towards a future where technology and health intersect more closely, CERES TAG allows for more informed decisions, better health outcomes for animals, and a more sustainable approach to animal husbandry and wildlife conservation.