Zero Infrastructure, Unlimited Connectivity

CERES TAG redefines animal monitoring with its innovative design that operates independently of infrastructure and network access, ensuring seamless data collection and tracking, remotely, from anywhere in the world.

How It Works

  • Global Coverage

    Its unique capability ensures that animals can be monitored in real-time, regardless of their location – from Australia to the Alps, from Arizona to Africa.

  • Self-Sustaining Technology

    CERES TAG is equipped with Direct to Satellite communication and solar-powered batteries, eliminating the need for additional ground-based infrastructure, maintenance or network connections.

  • Ease of Deployment

    Without the requirement for infrastructure setup, CERES TAG can be quickly deployed across any scale of operation, from small farms to large conservation areas.

Benefits of Zero Infrastructure

  • Cost Efficiency

    Significantly reduces operational costs by removing the need for infrastructure investment and maintenance.

  • Operational Simplicity

    Simplifies the logistics of animal monitoring, making it accessible to operations of all sizes and in any location.

  • Automated Data Gathering

    Direct from the animal into your hands, CERES TAG provides consistent monitoring and automated data collection, minimising human error. This data flow is powerful for effective decision-making in animal management and conservation.

Independence from Infrastructure.

CERES TAG offers a groundbreaking solution for animal monitoring, combining ease of use with robust functionality. Its independence from infrastructure and terrestrial network access opens up new possibilities for animal management and conservation efforts worldwide, ensuring that no animal is beyond reach.